Holy Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit, and the door which gives access to the sacraments. Through Baptism we are freed from sin and reborn as sons of God.‟ (CCC01432 277319
Baptisms usually take place on a Sunday at 1.00pmin the afternoon, but special arrangements can be made for other times.
The ideal is that the family of the child should be practising Catholics or at least willing to take up the practise of their faith again. Under Church Law one of the parents of the child must be a practising Catholic, and at least one of the godparents must be a practising Catholic old enough to understand their responsibilities. Any other person asked to act as a godparent should be a practising Christian with at least a general understanding of the Catholic faith. During the ceremony the godparents promise to help the parents to bring up the child in the Catholic faith; they should take this responsibility seriously.
The parents must understand what it is they are asking for, so they will be asked to attend a pre-baptism meeting with the parish priest prior to definite arrangements being made for the baptism.
If the parents do not reside in the parish their own Catholic parish priest will be contacted first and his permission obtain for the baptism to take place here.
No charge is made for baptism, but it is the custom to make a donation towards the parish expenses, e.g. lighting, heating, baptismal candle, baptismal certificate. There is no sum laid down – it is up to the family how much the donation is.
This outline just covers frequently asked questions, so if you have any others please contact Fr. Matthew the P.P. on 01873 851051