This group supports the liturgy at the morning Mass on Sunday each week apart from a summer break in the month of August. Members of the choir also sing at some of the weddings that take place at the church during the course of the year. Practices are held most Friday evenings in the church. For more information about the choir if you are interested (new members are always welcome) please contact Janette by telephoning: 01873 831534.
Our Children’s Liturgy Group takes place most Sundays at the 10 am Sunday Mass during term time. This takes the form of appropriate prayers and scripture reading presented in an easy way to our young people. All our leaders are CRB checked. If you are interested in helping, please let Fr. Matthew know.
1) actively helping people in financial crisis
2) using our own and national financial resources to act immediately and fully
3) working within the network of all the national and local organisations in Abergavenny.
4) fully trained and security checked - legally required for anyone working with the public. WE ARE YOUR PARISH’S SVP. If you want to help alleviate poverty within this parish:
a) join us – you will be fully trained and never work with anyone on your own
b) make a financial donation - via SVP members, Fr Matthew, or bank transfer
c) tell us about anyone who needs our help
Contact us via: talking to members after Mass. Fr Matthew
Parishioners support the work of the Church in the developing world through this body from the monies raised from teas and coffees after the Sunday morning Mass.
The Association for the Propagation of the Faith (APF) assist every one of the Catholic Church's 1,069 dioceses to provide pastoral care and preaching the Gospel effectively. APF was founded in Lyon, France, in 1822 by Pauline-Marie Jaricot. She began by persuading local working people to support overseas mission by giving a farthing a week. A century later, when APF was established in almost every country in the world, Pope Pius X11 made it the official fund-raising society for the Catholic Church. In England and Wales, funds for overseas mission are collected through the famous Red Boxes. APF work closely with the Mill Hill Missionaries founded by Cardinal Herbert Vaughan in 1866 whose members are sent to the most remote places in the world to share the love of Christ with those in need, both spiritually and materially. If you would like one of the Red Boxes to collect your loose change please contact Peter Evans (01873 855427) who is our APF secretary responsible for distributing the boxes, collecting and banking the Red Box contributions which in 2013 our parish was the total of £2,226.
Parishioners generously support the training for men aspiring to the priesthood in the developing world. Thanks to the kindness of individuals in the parish Priests for Tomorrow (PFT) was able to send two donations of £500 each, in 2017, to seminaries in Peru and Iraq. In 2016 denotations received by PFT came to £2,248. If you would like more information on PFT or to support their work please contact Jocelyn Prys-Williams on: 01873 850861.
There are four different groups who, on a weekly basis beginning on a Sunday and ending on a Saturday, wash and iron the linen used for Masses in the church. New members are always welcome and if you wish to assist with this important work please contact Fr. Matthew.
The Parish Pro life group meets regularly to support the work of SPUC- the Society for the Protection of the Unborn Child. The Rosary is prayed every 1st Saturday of the month at 9.30am in Church.
Also on Saturday 4th Septmner, there will be a tim eofexposition in Church from 1-4pm, to pray for life, while the annual March for Life takes place in London..